Useful Vim commands

In this article, I am going to show you commands that I've found useful and some new ones I found writing this article that might help you become better at using Vim.

I am also writing it for future reference when I need to remind myself of some of these commands.

Text manipulation

Delete single line dd

Copy (yank) single line yy

Paste yanked code p

Undo changes u


Go to the end of a line Shift + $

Go at the beginning of a line 0

Go at the end of a file Shift + g

Go at the beginning of a file gg


Basic search / <search pattern> + Enter

Backward search ? <search pattern> + Enter

Case insensitive search /\c <search pattern> + Enter

Exit (save)

Save and quit ESC + :wq + Enter

Force quit without saving ESC + :qa! + Enter